Our Aftercare Centre provides a structured, safe and well-supervised aftercare facility to care for your child during the afternoon.
- Working parents can be secure in the knowledge that their children are well supervised and happy.
- We offer a healthy, nourishing and tasty mid-afternoon cooked meal with refreshments.
Aftercare Times
The Aftercare School Centre only operates during school terms. The Centre is open from 13h00 to 17h30 on school days. Children need to be collected on time every day. Should you be late for any reason whatsoever, please contact the aftercare staff directly. A penalty fee of R 50.00 will be charged for late pick-ups. Children may however, be fetched any time during the afternoon.
Holiday Club is offered during most school holidays.
Aftercare Regulations
Should anyone other than the parent or guardian be fetching your child, please notify your child’s class teacher or the school directly by note, telephone or text message. Please note that if no such notification has been received, the child concerned will not be released from our care.
As a safety precaution, children attending aftercare at Ridgewood College are required to remain within set boundaries at all times. Children and parents will be clearly informed as to where these boundaries are.
- See separate school fees list.
- Fees are payable strictly in advance. No credit will be given for days not attended.
- One month’s written notice in writing is required.
Homework at Ridgewood College
Our small classroom sizes allow for less homework to be sent home. In Foundation Phase (Grade R-3), a homework class is offered from 13h00 to 13h30. Here learners are monitored by the class teacher and the core subjects of English Home Language and Mathematics are practiced to allow for the consolidation of the days work. Foundation Phase learners are only sent home spelling words and readers to be practiced at home.
Intermediary Phase learners (Grade 4-7) can expect more subject specific homework, where learning is required for formal examinations.